As I started scrolling through the photos, to finally update our family blog, I realized just how much has happened in the last few months. So, here I am doing a quick run through of all the fun and festivities, our lives, the praise reports and the prayer requests.
I had my 31st birthday, Emerson's 2 best friends turned 4... which is just the end of the world as she sees it. She has to wait until June and "3 is boring!". Reese became mobile and I became stressed. I now have the daunting task of keeping Reese away from the lamp cord and the fire place. It has been great seeing how she and Emme actually play together now. I think Emerson will forever be Reese's hero... I can see it already.
Anson and I are extremely blessed to be getting more involved at Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills and to sit under the leadership of Dave Rolph. Anson has been playing with and leading the worship team, along with helping out in the Junior High ministry. We have made some really great friends and connected with families that have kids the same age as ours... such a blessing! Emerson now gets to see her best friends all the time and accepted her first marriage proposal. Anson and I can't believe the conversations we have already had to have with our 3 1/2 year old going on 15! We are excited to be starting small groups this coming week where we are expectant to make more lasting relationships with others who love the Lord and want to learn more about Him. It will be a great time to gain perspective mid week while the girls get some quality time with Grandma & Papa.
We have had so much to praise our King for and are continuing in prayer for other things such as my ongoing allergy problems and work for my dad.
Here are some of our favorite photos...

i love the new pics and i rejoice right along with you in answered prayer! love you!