Merry Christmas! A little late, I know. I guess I should say, I hope you all had a very special Christmas with friends, family & worship of our Savior.
We had a very fun filled season of celebrating. This is kinda just a picture blog since I tried to capture a little something from all the things we did. It was such a blessing to go to tree lightings, cookie parties, Christmas movie parties, party parties, church programs, Disneyland and have dinners with people we love. We got an extra special treat of being surprised with the 12 days of Christmas on our front door step. Every morning was a thrill to see what had been left for us. We found out, on the 12th day, it was the Amazing Young family who completely spoiled us. I wish I had photos of all the creative and generous things they blessed us with. Emerson is at that really fun age where I think she really caught the excitement this year. We left cookies and milk out for Santa and I balled like a baby every time she sang her heart out at a church Christmas program. We live very blessed lives and all glory goes to our King who was
born in a stable. Praise Jesus!

So beautiful, miss you! Is you email on here? xo, j