my parents and all of their grandkids
We had the honor of pastor Dave Rolph dedicating Reese to the Lord last month! We are so blessed to sit under his teaching every week and this was another blessing. With that, we had lots of family come visit. My sister, Shannon, and the girls, Devin and Shelby, were out from Colorado and Anson's mom, Grammie, was down from Oregon. And right after that we got a visit from Anson's grandparents... wow!
Following the service we had a fun time at the park, but I still can't believe I didn't get a better picture of Reese in her yellow dress... ummm Shelly, I see a photo shoot coming!

I have to brag a second about this past weekend! Friday night was Phil Wickham, Leeland and Matt Mahr while the girls stayed the night with Grandma and Papa... Saturday we celebrated Erica Neumann's Masters in education graduation followed by a coffee shop gig and of course a wonderful Mothers Day on Sunday. The last few photos are of all that. I just loved Emme and Olivia hiding in the curtains and Reese was oooohing over all the yummy eats on the table at the Neumann's. Diana & Matt came down to It's a Grind too and shared their talents!
I'm hoping to get my act together and blog more often. Everyday I have conversations with Emerson and I think, "this would make a great blog!" Like right now she said, "mom, did you hear Regis and Kelly say snails are delicious? That is ridiculous! They would be all squirmy in your mouth and they would cry! I would never do that". Or I could spend an entire paragraph on our conversation yesterday when she got ready for a pretend date...bows, rings, purse, heels on. So, I decide to play along and said, "have fun, be home by 7:00"... and this began an actual argument about why she can't stay out later. I looked at Anson with terror... are we seriously already having this discussion at almost 4 years old about a pretend curfew?! Pray for us friends... more entertainment to come!